Corruption by political leaders a betrayal to the country

SHAH ALAM - Corruption by political leaders should be considered a betrayal to the country due to its big implication for the health facilities, education and transportation as well as denying the public’s basic rights.
Rasuah Busters Chief Executive Officer Nurhayati Nordin said bribes and corruption impact morals, politics, economics and humanity.
"It is considered betrayal because the effect of corruption indirectly leads to major implications in health, education and transportation facilities and it is a denial of people's basic rights.
"Heavier punishment is appropriate and commensurate with the consequences of corruption that has caused the deficit of democracy in the country," she said in a statement.
Nurhayati said amendment of the law and punishments in the country was needed as corruption derailed us from our purpose in life and violated the norms and rules that should be maintained to ensure justice and prosperity.
“Heftier punishments are necessary and commensurate with the consequences of corruption which caused a democratic deficit in the country.
“The profit gained from corruption are far smaller if compared to moral losses, declination of value system, collapse of country’s sovereignty which brings to the destruction of the country, little by little,” she said.
“By streamlining, enacting and stricter punishments in regards to corruption in the current context of the country will indirectly usher in a more progressive legal system,” she said.
Nurhayati hopes the enactment of strict laws against corruption would be the starting point for the transformation of governance, more efficient management and a more transparent administration from all parties.
"Emphasising the punishment of bribery is not just about satisfying emotional satisfaction alone, it is based on legal rationale and public will which requires a strict corruption control.
"Fair and equitable in determining whether the death penalty, caning or other strict punishments against corruption offenders must be raised for academic discussion by looking at various sociological factors and impact on the country," she said.
Nurhayati also added that corruption offences need to be considered as fairly as possible on the reason for corruption, how many were involved, the public's loss and is the perpetrator an official who holds the mandate of the people.
Meanwhile, former Transparency International-Malaysia's President Datuk Seri Akhbar Satar said Malaysians, including parents and leaders, should play their roles to help the government and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to curb corruption cases in the industry as it is the root of all evil.
"There are few factors in order to curb corruption, firstly from 'political will' by the leader. First thing first once you become a leader is to curb corruption as it is the mother of all evil.
"Parents should play the main role by educating their children to be honest, not to steal and take things which do not belong to yours," he told Sinar Daily.
Akhbar also echoed Nurhayati’s view that the penalty of the Anti-Corruption Act should be heavier on those who committed the crime.
"Law regarding corruption must be heavier including longer jail term only then people will not have the urge to commit such crime," he said.
Akhbar said he also appreciated the move made by MACC in introducing an anti-corruption course in all higher learning institutions next year.
"I'm sure that MACC has been studying this and it is a good step.
"I believe such a move will bring a difference to the society but remember not only the MACC or government but public should also help to curb the corruption together," he said.
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