Govt aims to have over 4,000 metric tonnes of chicken buffer stock by year end

04 Aug 2022 10:07pm
KPDNHEP would monitor the stock of imported round chicken and local fresh chicken to prevent over-supply. Illustration photo.
KPDNHEP would monitor the stock of imported round chicken and local fresh chicken to prevent over-supply. Illustration photo.

KUALA LUMPUR - The government aims to have 4,536 metric tonnes of chicken buffer stock by the end of December to ensure enough supply and stable price of chicken, said Special Task Force on Jihad against Inflation chairman Tan Sri Annuar Musa.

Annuar said the effort would be carried out by Farmers Organisation Authority and the amount was sufficient for a week’s needs based on the chicken consumption rate of 1.8 million birds a day.

"This is something new that we will implement after we allow the product to be imported from several source countries and obtain stock from breeders in this country.

"It does not mean that we will keep the chicken for a certain period, but we will release it in the market in stages to ensure that the stock is always sufficient and the price will not increase," he told a press conference after chairing the special task force meeting at Parliament building here today.

The Communications and Multimedia Minister said the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) would monitor the stock of imported round chicken and local fresh chicken to prevent over-supply.

KPDNHEP will also monitor the supply of chicken stock from time to time and if there is an excess in supply, it will be allowed to be exported again, he said.

"We have received information that there is indeed a slight oversupply of chicken and the price has also started to stabilise, even lower than the ceiling price set, but the government has not made any decision regarding permission to re-export because we want to ensure that the supply is stable," he said. - BERNAMA

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