Single mother fined RM8,000 for uploading offensive posting on solat hajat ceremony

12 Aug 2022 09:11pm
A single mother was fined RM8,000 by the KL Sessions Court for posting offensive communications regarding a solat hajat ceremony on her Facebook account, two years ago. - Photo: 123RF
A single mother was fined RM8,000 by the KL Sessions Court for posting offensive communications regarding a solat hajat ceremony on her Facebook account, two years ago. - Photo: 123RF

KUALA LUMPUR - A single mother was fined RM8,000 by the Sessions Court here today for posting offensive communications regarding a solat hajat (prayer of need) ceremony on her Facebook account, two years ago.

Judge Nor Hasniah Ab Razak meted out the fine, in default six months jail, on Hong Jia Ming, 34, after the woman pleaded guilty to the charge.

She paid the fine.

Hong was charged with making and initiating the transmission of offensive communication with intention to annoy others using 'Joyceanne Hong' Facebook account at 9.22 pm on March 12, 2020.

The posting was later read at Masjid Muadz Bin Jabal, Wangsa Maju here at 12.41pm on March 13, 2020.

The charge, under Section 233 (1) (a) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 and is punishable under Section 233 (3) of the same law, provides a maximum fine of RM50,000 or imprisonment for up to one year and can also be fined RM1,000 for each day the offence continues after conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Najihah Farhana Che Awang asked the court for a deterrent sentence that reflects the severity of the offence.

Hong, who was represented by counsel Haijan Omar, pleaded for a minimum fine on the grounds that she has a heart problem and a nine-year-old son to support. - BERNAMA

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