Malaysia #QuranHour to be held on Aug 30 - WUIF

16 Aug 2022 09:03pm
Warisan Ummah Ikhlas Foundation (WUIF) will hold a Malaysia #QuranHour on Aug 30 focusing on Surah Al-Sajdah - Photo from Sinar Archive
Warisan Ummah Ikhlas Foundation (WUIF) will hold a Malaysia #QuranHour on Aug 30 focusing on Surah Al-Sajdah - Photo from Sinar Archive
KUALA LUMPUR - In conjunction with the National month celebrations, Warisan Ummah Ikhlas Foundation (WUIF) will hold a Malaysia #QuranHour on Aug 30 focusing on Surah Al-Sajdah.

Its chief executive officer, Marhaini Yusoff said the QuranHour, which is themed 'Malaysia Bersujud: Keluarga Malaysia Teguh Bersama', will start at noon.

She said in addition to reciting Surah Al-Sajdah, a tadabbur (appreciation) of the surah and ‘Doa Malaysia Teguh Bersama’ supplication will also be held.

According to Marhaini, the programme aims at giving the community an understanding of the message in Surah Al-Sajdah in creating a harmonious, progressive and strong country based on the principles of the Al-Quran.

"When we look at the current development, we feel that the issue of arrogance needs to be highlighted and dealt with," she said during the virtual media briefing of the programme today.
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Marhaini said the Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque, Putrajaya will be the main location of the event, adding that Muslims all over the country can participate in the #QuranHour by simultaneously hosting the programme in their respective locations. - BERNAMA

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