"Never crossed my mind to be PM" - Ismail Sabri wants to remembered PM who focused on rakyat

21 Aug 2022 10:00am
Ismail Sabri wants to be remembered as a Prime Minister who worked hard for the people. (BERNAMA)
Ismail Sabri wants to be remembered as a Prime Minister who worked hard for the people. (BERNAMA)

PUTRAJAYA - Never cross my mind, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakon on his premiership let alone seek the highest position in Umno.

In fact, he said carried out his duties and responsibilities because he at least wanted to be remembered as a Prime Minister who worked hard for the people.

“I was the Opposition Chief at that time, how can I plan to be the Prime Minister until the end of the administrative term?

"The purpose of forming a coalition at that time was to reject the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government that was dominated by DAP at that time and was seen to cause so much damage.

"For that reason, BN said we should join hands to form this government even though Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) was part of the PH government.

"We were on this side (the opposition) and Bersatu was over there, but at the end we joined together to form a coalition government.

"So when forming a new coalition, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was appointed as the new Prime Minister. I never even considered becoming the deputy prime minister what more the Prime Minister,” he said.

The Bera MP said his focus at that time was only as the Defence Minister but was appointed as the deputy prime minister on July 7, 2021.

He then became the Prime Minister after Muhyiddin resigned.

"If I was still a senior minister, maybe someone else would rise to be Prime Minister.

“Even though I was the deputy prime minister for the shortest period, due to the hierarchy and the support from other parties, I then became the Prime Minister without any plan and it was totally unexpected,” he said.

Ismail Sabri said he felt no pressure as it was never planned for him to be Prime Minister and it was all blessings from Allah SWT.

"That's why when people ask if I can sleep well at night about this issue, I just said it's normal and if I want to sleep, then just sleep.

"If the general election is held tomorrow and there is another chance, I will continue my duties as Prime Minister. So it does not arise as a big issue.

"That's why I don't fight, even though some people say I have to fight in the party but I don’t talk about it.

"I did not plan and did not fight for the highest position in the party.

"I only perform my duties and the given responsibilities because at least when it stops later people will remember me for a whole year as Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri - a strong person who works for the people,” he said.

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