Latiff lodges police report against Rafizi

30 Aug 2022 11:48pm
Latiff (left) lodges a report against Rafizi for the claims made.
Latiff (left) lodges a report against Rafizi for the claims made.

SHAH ALAM - Mersing MP Datuk Dr Abd Latiff Ahmad on Tuesday lodges a report against PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli through his special officer Sayed Ahmad Mui'izzuddin bin Al-Sayed Mohamad.

In the police report, Mui’izzuddin said he was ordered to make the report in regards to the defamations and accusations made by Rafizi allegedly to smear dirt on Latiff’s name.

Mui’izzuddin said the defamation made by Rafizi towards Latiff involved of him having a second wife named Zainab Salleh who allegedly received a defence contract of tens of millions of ringgit with the Defense Ministry for the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) when he was Deputy Minister.

“Every action of Zainab Salleh had been linked to Latiff when she is not his wife and they have no relationship as a family.

“Rafizi lied saying that he relied on a forensic report that stated that Zainab binti Mohd Salleh is Latiff's second wife while the forensic report does not state so,” he said.

Mui’izzuddin claimed that Rafizi was also aware that the forensic report has clearly stated the ‘Notice to the Reader’ warning which meant the information in the report was yet to be true.

Due to the defamation, Mui’izzuddin said, Latiff had made a general explanation that none of the claims were true and that he did not have any role in the LCS project.

“I believe that Rafizi had committed the Defamation offenses under Section 499 and Section 500 of the Penal Code, Criminal intimidation under section 503 of penal code, Intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace under section 503 of penal code.

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“I urged the police and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to investigate and prosecute Rafizi Ramli and the parties who conspired with him to commit the aforementioned offence,” he said in a statement.

Mui’izzuddin said that Rafizi had posted at least four slandering statements in his personal blog dated Aug 22, Aug 23, Aug 25 and Aug 26, 2022 on his blog and his Facebook account.

Aside from that, Rafizi also had allegedly uploaded seven Facebook posts that talked about Latiff, and several Twitter, Instagram and TikTok posts.

Rafizi Ramli on Aug 23 revealed that Latiff and another individual Zainab Mohd Salleh were allegedly involved in with the ownership of a subcontractor company in the LCS project

He claimed some evidence of Latiff's involvement through Zainab who was believed to be the wife of the former Defence Deputy Minister and the company Alizes Marine Limited could be seen through the LCS Project Forensic Report which was declassified on Monday.

Rafizi claimed that the audit report clearly stated that Zainab was the wife of Latiff who was also the former Defence Deputy Minister.

Commenting on Latiff's statement on Monday which denied that Zainab was his wife, the former Pandan MP said it was an attempt to confuse the public.

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