Heavy school bags: Lockers to be installed by end of month

05 Sep 2022 03:14pm
Mohd Radzi Md Jidin.
Mohd Radzi Md Jidin.

PUTRAJAYA - School lockers would be installed by the end of this month to overcome the issue of heavy school bags.

Senior Education Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin said they would first concentrate on schools with two sessions.

"As the start of the first phase, the locker installations involved year one and two students," he said when met by reporters after the engagement ceremony with media agency's senior editor here on Monday.

He was commenting on the development of the ministry’s seven initiatives in overcoming the issue.

In March, Radzi listed seven initiatives to lighten school bags which were preparation of lockers, the rescheduling of up to four subjects a day and the use exercise books not more than two as well as digital textbooks.

Other than that, teachers were encouraged to use themed or modular teaching and learning (PdP) approach, project-based learning, practical simulations (Virtual Lab) to reduce dependence on textbooks and the use of national school uniforms allowed for fardu ain religious class (Kafa).

At the assembly, Radzi stated many religious councils agreed that the national school uniform could be used for Kafa schools.

"Students no longer need to bring their Kafa uniforms," he said.

In another development, Radzi stated the ministry was in the midst of strengthening schools that have a lower capacity to overcome the issue of overcrowding in school, especially schools with better performance.

"We can see the imbalance that happens when a school is performing better in a nearby area," he said.

He said among the steps that the ministry took was to implement the movement of principals from schools with a better reputation.

"It also involves the new teachers in order to create a vibrant environment," he said.

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