Abused mentally disabled woman pleads for house or room with low rental

28 Sep 2022 08:31pm
Photo for illustration purposes only - 123RF Photo
Photo for illustration purposes only - 123RF Photo
IPOH - A mentally disabled woman, who is also a victim of domestic violence, is pleading for help from parties who can provide a house or a room with low rental because she can no longer stay with her abusive husband.

The 36-year-old victim, who wants to be known only as W, said she met her 40-year-old husband through a magazine dating segment and married him in 2014.

"Things were not as nice as expected two weeks after the wedding, my husband started showing his dark side by throwing things around the house and started hitting me and my mother," she said.

"Currently, I have RM450 support from the Social Welfare Department to pay the rent for the house. But I want to move out of this house and start a new life.

"So I am asking for help from the public who are willing to offer us a house or a room with low rental," she said at a press conference here today.

W said it was even more heartbreaking that her 62-year-old wheel-chair bound mother (leg amputated due to diabetes), was also a victim of abuse by her husband to vent his anger.

"He (husband) threw the wheelchair at me and my mother until the neighbours noticed and called an ambulance to take us to a nearby hospital for treatment. I had not filed a complaint but the nurse who treated me and my mother did so because she felt we had been abused," she added.

The victim said her husband had been arrested by the police three times (following complaints from neighbours and nurse) so far, but was released for lack of solid evidence.

He is now being detained at Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta in Tanjung Rambutan and the case investigated under Section 324 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means.
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Perak MCA Public Service and Complaints Bureau chief Low Guo Nan said that such cases must be prioritised by all parties and reported immediately so that they do not continue. - BERNAMA

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