Efforts taken but not enough, says Segambut MP on floods

30 Sep 2022 08:00am
Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh in an interview with veteran journalist Tan Sri Johan Jaafar at Sinar Karangkraf building
Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh in an interview with veteran journalist Tan Sri Johan Jaafar at Sinar Karangkraf building
SHAH ALAM - With the monsoon season and the possibility of year-end floods, Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh says the government has taken measures to mitigate floods but the question remains if the efforts are adequate.

“Are those efforts enough or just for cosmetics?” she said.

Recalling the past initiatives taken by the government in handling flooding in Kuala Lumpur, she said the authorities used sandbags to mitigate floods.

However, she said the sandbags were not efficient as a strong current would toppled them and asked for frequent strengthening of the bags.

“Even metal barriers were pushed over during KL floods, so how can using sandbags be enough?” she said after her interview session with veteran journalist Tan Sri Johan Jaafar at Sinar Karangkraf here..

She urged the government to study climate change by monitoring the amount of rainfall in the country.

If the government were facing budget issues to solve flooding problem, she said they need to be thinking out of the box to find avenues in procuring more funds like reaching out to more contractors.

She also said that it would not be too helpful if the government only depended on building more structures like underground reservoirs for solutions as it would be taking too much time.

Yeoh also told reporters that the government and the opposition should be working together to help flood victims.
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For instance, she had to face both flooding and landslide cases last December and had to look for funds and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for their assistance.

From her experience, she said flood victims have different needs.

“I went to temporary placement centres and they told me they need a lazy chair, especially for the senior citizens because it’s hard for them to sit in tents without lazy chairs,” she said, adding that “a standard package for all” may not be applicable.

“It’s important to spend time with the victims to understand their needs,” she said.

She said wet wipes, undergarments and sanitary pads were also crucial and the temporary placement centres need to ensure basic facilities like toilets are kept clean.

“Officers must ensure it is comfortable for flood victims because that is very important for them,” she said.
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