Syria Care collects 576 boxes of winter clothes for Syrian refugees

09 Oct 2022 06:46pm
Saiful with volunteers in front of the container that will send the boxes of clothes to Syria through Turkiye
Saiful with volunteers in front of the container that will send the boxes of clothes to Syria through Turkiye

SHAH ALAM - A total of 576 boxes of used winter garments have been collected in a donation drive to provide warmth for Syrian refugees.

Syria Care's Chief Strategic Officer, Nurdieana Mohd Mardzi said they received "extraordinary support" throughout the campaign period with started on October 2.

“Some of them came from Kedah, Perak.

“Syria Care would like to extend our gratitude to all donators that helped to succeed this project,” she told Sinar Harian today.

Nurdieana said the first shipment carrying 460 boxes of garments were expected to arrive in Turkiye within a month, which would be in mid-November.

The remaining 104 boxes will be taken to the second collection center which will be opened at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, Pagoh campus, Johor from October 17 to 24.

Nurdieana also informed that the effort to collect funds to cover the delivery of two shipments have only reached 30 percent of the targeted RM114,000.

She expressed her appreciation for the approximately 40 volunteers who were involved in facilitating the collection of used clothes at Bukit Jelutong, here.

Nurdieana also extended her gratitude to fellow artists who came forward to support the effort, including singer Khai Bahar; nasyid group, Rabbani; actress, Datin Nina Juren; actor couple Zahiril Adzim and Shera Ayob; lawyer Ally Iskandar and comedian Saiful Apek.

"Not to forget our media partners and project partners, namely Yayasan Ez Prihatin and Sinar Karangkraf who helped spread the word about this project," she said.

For further information regarding the donation of used clothes and funds under the project can be obtained through the 'Warm Their Winter' hotline at 011-1136 2567 (Zana), 013-971 5901 (Fayyadh) and 011-3703 0900 (Nisa).

The public can also visit the website or follow Syria Care Malaysia's social media on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well as Syria Care Media on YouTube and TikTok to get the latest developments of the project.

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