Rethink decision not to hold state elections, Ramkarpal tells PH

14 Oct 2022 12:48pm
DAP National Legal Bureau chairman Ramkarpal Singh
DAP National Legal Bureau chairman Ramkarpal Singh
SHAH ALAM - Pakatan Harapan should rethink its decision to hold state elections separately from general elections, said DAP National Legal Bureau chairman Ramkarpal Singh.

PH had said the will delay state elections to face possible year end floods as warne by experts.

“But now the federal government have forced us into a general election where the rakyat have no choice but to come out to vote despite the real possibility of adverse weather conditions, should PH states burden their citizens more by insisting they come out to vote again next year for state elections?” he questioned of the decision.

In a statement, he further said that he has been on the ground in Penang and know that the people do not want separate elections. Their wish to hold state and parliament elections concurrently is overwhelming.

“Let me make it very clear. PH is against the elections being held now and we have stated our reasons many times.

“But we are forced to consider state elections now because of the selfish decision of the federal government in calling for Parliamentary elections now.”

This means that the people have no choice but to come out to vote for Members of Parliament now, so he suggested why not save the further burden on the citizens and separate elections costs and hold state elections now as well?

“The Rakyat have to come out and vote for MPs now anyway. Why not vote for both state assemblymen and MPs as well?”

While the opposition may say that they have no principles by reneging on their decision to hold state elections next year, he insisted the party to reflect and ask themselves “who caused this?”
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There is nothing unprincipled in holding concurrent elections now as it is certainly in the interests of the people, he opined.

“I wish to appeal to the PH leadership to seriously consider holding simultaneous parliament and state elections now in all its states as we will be stronger facing the opposition now.”

Ramkarpal believes that the public shall understand that they are forced to do this as it was the Federal Government which forced this ‘flood elections’ upon all Malaysians in the first place.
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