Politically Frank: Umno is not corrupt, it's an individual problem, says Isham Jalil

Athira Aminuddin
10 Nov 2022 03:01pm
Isham Jalil, Shah Alam BN Candidate
Isham Jalil, Shah Alam BN Candidate

SHAH ALAM - When it comes to corruption, Isham Jalil believes Umno is not to blame, but rather the individual.

"Corruption is an individual problem, so if one is corrupt, no matter which party one joins, you would still be corrupt," he said on Sinar Daily’s Politically Frank.

He went on to say that corruption depends on how an individual is raised.

"Corruption is about how you were brought up. If you were raised to be a person that is not corrupt, then you are not," he said.

Isham said in his 20 years as a government servant, he has a clean record.

" I worked for the government for about 20 years. I handled government funds, public funds but I never took one cent. I intend to continue to keep my record clean," he said.

Isham also stressed that he does not support corruption.

"When I was in the government, I could only control what I do with it.

"People when they are corrupt, they don’t advertise and tell everybody about it.

"So if I knew, I would do something about it. What we can do is control ourselves," he said.

He said the key to avoid corruption is to learn to control ourselves and fight the temptation.

"I fought it for 20 years. I intend to continue fighting it. What we can do is hold on to our principles," he said.

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