MQT 2.0 starts airing today

14 Dec 2022 10:58am

SHAH ALAM - The My #QuranTime 2.0 (MQT 2.0) programme organised by Yayasan Warisan Ummah Ikhlas (WUIF) will be broadcasted from noon to 1pm, today.

WUIF chief executive officer Marhaini Yusoff said after going through the process of studying the Quran for three months since Oct 8, the programme that created a phenomenon is now ready to go on air for a total of 2,111 episodes.

"We have conducted a study referring to 19 books on tafsir and hadith, so it is time we launch the programme for the latest season.

"The focus this time is on the Quran, prayers and infaq (donation). However, its priority is on how to improve the quality of prayers because it is important for us to develop a better character and nation guided by the Quran," she told Sinar Harian on Tuesday.

Marhaini said MQT 2.0 will be different from the previous one as participants will be physically present at the Karangkraf Group Complex studio, here.

WUIF chief executive officer Marhaini Yusoff said the 2,111 episodes of My #QuranTime 2.0 will be aired on all Quran Hour and Sinar Harian digital platforms starting today.
WUIF chief executive officer Marhaini Yusoff said the 2,111 episodes of My #QuranTime 2.0 will be aired on all Quran Hour and Sinar Harian digital platforms starting today.

She said a total of 100 participants involving the Johor and Pahang Rumah Ngaji will be present for the first episode today.

"In addition, we also have the Sahabah al-Quran consisting of the audiences who will be with us in a special segment to emphasise the elements of the tajwid," she said.

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MQT 2.0 will be broadcasted on all Quran Hour and Sinar Harian digital platforms.

It aims to improve the quality of prayers through recitation of the Quran with the correct tajwid and understanding the content of the Quran through the second stage of tadabbur.

The programme has also introduced a new element to increase the memorisation of surahs through a Quran memorisation method which is simple and practical with the use of the Quran Al-Hafiz method.

In MQT2.0, Fazrul Ismail maintains as the pentadabbur (contemplate on the Quran) while Ahmad Tirmizi Ali and Tarmizi Abdul Rahman will remain as the reciters (qari).

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