Leave my daughter alone, Dr Amalina tells social media users on female circumcision

20 Dec 2022 07:26pm
Dr Amalina Che Bakri shares screenshots of some of the disgusting, insulting and obscene comments. Photo source : Amalina's Twitter.
Dr Amalina Che Bakri shares screenshots of some of the disgusting, insulting and obscene comments. Photo source : Amalina's Twitter.

SHAH ALAM - Malaysian-born surgeon in the United Kingdom, Dr Nur Amalina Che Bakri took time to school Malaysians on female circumcision after receiving sexual comments and innuendoes on her 9-week-old daughter.

In her Twitter thread she was asked if circumcision services for baby girls were available in the UK. The question went viral in social media.

“The articles were posted on Facebook by several media portals and the comment sections were filled with disgusting, insulting and obscene comments”, said a 35-year old doctor.

In her Twitter thread, she shared screenshots of some of the comments.

The Kota Bahru born said that she was in the midst of seeking legal action to prevent such comments from recurring.

“I would not be bothered if those words were directed at me, but they went beyond the limit when they made obscene statements against my innocent child. Please leave my daughter alone,” she wrote.

"I also want to remind writers of articles who like to come up with clickbait headlines or take trivial stories from my IG to sensationalise and encourage Malays to fight and slander each other.

"Where are your ethics? Even the comment section has no moderation. I hope this matter gets the attention of the authorities,” she added.

In the Twitter thread, she also said that she had never criticised the Islamic laws.

"I have always maintained (to my followers) that if they are in Malaysia, they should follow the fatwas and laws in Malaysia," she said.

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She also shared information about female genital mutilation in the UK which states that it is illegal to do so in the UK.

One was from the UK Islamic Shariah Council which said it is unIslamic, while the other said that it is illegal in the UK and carries a prison sentence of up to 14 years.

Dr Amalina married Alexander Charles, an Englishman, and their daughter, Arabella Mia was born in St Thomas Hospital in London.

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