Health Ministry gives priority to improving key facilities in Kelantan
22 Dec 2022 04:38pm

Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa's working visit to the Pasir Mas District Health Centre - Bernama
Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa said she was informed that Kelantan needs more specific facilities such as trucks and 4WD ambulances to facilitate relief work.
"This is indeed a need and we will work on it with the approved budget," she told a press conference after a working visit to the Pasir Mas District Health Centre today.
During the visit, Dr Zaliha was briefed on the current flood situation in Kelantan by state Health deputy director (Public Health) Dr Izamin Idris.
Meanwhile, Dr Zaliha said MOH had taken proactive measures by screening flood evacuees housed at relief centres (PPS) for COVID-19.
"Those tested positive will be isolated from other evacuees and those who need further treatment have been transferred," she said.
In a statement issued in conjunction with her visit, Dr Zaliha said the ministry had mobilised 20 mental health and psychosocial support teams to provide emotional support and psychological first aid (PFA) to flood victims.
She said health workers are also likely to be emotionally affected by the floods and they are also being identified so that psychological help can be provided if needed.
Among the services offered include relaxation, art therapy and psychoeducation sessions, she said.
"A total of 835 PFA were offered to the public and 21 to frontliners, with no cases referred to family physicians or psychiatrists," she said.
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