Landslide: SAR personnel recalls how one wrong step could kill

27 Dec 2022 01:07pm
(Left) Rawang Fire and Rescue Station Fire Officer Rizaltul Ikhwan Ramli, 31, said the search was carried out with great care given the rocky and murky condition of the river.
(Left) Rawang Fire and Rescue Station Fire Officer Rizaltul Ikhwan Ramli, 31, said the search was carried out with great care given the rocky and murky condition of the river.

BATANG KALI – One wrong step could kill.

Those were what the seven firefighters who used the “sweeper” method along the creek in the search and rescue (SAR) operation for the victims of the landslide tragedy at the Father’s Organic Farm campsite at Jalan Genting-Batang Kali felt as they went through a creek as far as seven kilometres, coupled with plenty of rocks and rubbles.

Rawang Fire and Rescue Station Fire Officer Rizaltul Ikhwan Ramli, 31, said the search was carried out with great care given the rocky and murky condition of the river due to the soil carried by the debris.

“This ‘sweeper’ method was carried out on the fourth day of the tragedy since, at the initial stage, it was feared that the rubble would carry the victims to the river area.

“Efforts are being carried out in the river area involving the banks and river bed, taking into account the possibility of victims being washed away,” he told Sinar Harian on Monday.

He said the search efforts also faced various risks and challenges regarding the fast-flowing river’s condition.

“When the task was carried out, the current was quite strong, in addition to the unstable condition of the river due to the soil being carried away by the debris, there were areas that were more than waist deep.

“So, during the search, we will call the names of the members involved to ask about their status,” he said.

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He said one of the unforgettable experiences was when both of his legs were injured after being bitten by leeches.

“After finishing the task, we all returned to the open area, at that time, when I took off the pants, there were leeches on my calf up to my thigh.

“The part around my thigh was swollen due to the bite, so I sought treatment from a clinic.

“It was very itchy, the bite marks became swollen and made it difficult for me to move,” he said.

He added that even though the tasks carried out with other colleagues were risky, they carried out the job with full enthusiasm to complete the mission.

“At that moment, there was only one thing on our minds: to succeed in finding the victim.

“Due to that factor, we didn’t feel tired at all, and the task was carried out with complete determination.

“Although our team did not manage to find any victims at our search location, we are still grateful that all the victims were found,” he said.

Rizaltul admitted that the Batang Kali tragedy carved an unforgettable memory for him.

“This tragedy has a profound impact on me because it involves a large number of casualties.

“Even though I was involved from the first day to the fourth day, I am grateful that this SAR operation ended with all victims being found,” he said.

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