How long will M40 be squeezed to do 'national service' for B40 group
Norman Fernandez16 Jan 2023 06:17pm

The B40 whom the majority are not tax payers are reliant on the government for help are presently receiving all sorts of help.
SHAH ALAM - Agriculture and food security minister, Mohamad Sabu today announces that the government is studying the need to float prices of chicken eggs and to provide subsidies for the B40 group.
In short, the minister is suggesting that egg prices should be floated and subsidies be given to the lower income group.
Once again, the government is putting the responsibility of looking after the B40 on the shoulders of the M40.
The B40 whom the majority are not tax payers but reliant on the government for help are presently receiving all sorts of help.
Are all the help the B40 is getting still not enough? Instead, the M40 the majority of whom are tax payers are continuously burden and being squeezed by the government to do “national service” for the B40.
The government is said to be already considering to remove fuel subsidies from the M40 and again the subsidies be given to the B40. It is the same with cooking oil. In time, it would be the same with rice.
It would seem that the government believes that the B40 is not effected by the (rising) cost of living. Thus, for a statement that “those who can afford don’t really mind how much eggs are being sold for”. This is the quality of ministers we have.
What next? Each T20 and M40 to reduce the hardship and rising cost of living by adopting a B40 family or marrying a single mother with children.
There is a limit of punishing the M40 all because they are not within the B40. Unless the M40 say enough is enough, this government is going to find ways to squeeze and remove the last dime out of the M40.
Norman Fernandez is a lawyer.
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