My #QuranTime 2.0 garners more than 500,000 viewers on social media

18 Jan 2023 09:50am
Some of the participants of My #QuranTime 2.0 at Kumpulan Karangkraf Sdn Bhd studio in Shah Alam.
Some of the participants of My #QuranTime 2.0 at Kumpulan Karangkraf Sdn Bhd studio in Shah Alam.

More than 500,000 audiences follow the My #QuranTime 2.0: Quran, Solat, Infak (MQT 2.0) programme broadcasted through a hybrid method since the launch of the programme on Dec 14, last year until now.

The programme became the opening of 2,111 episodes aired on digital platforms such as Youtube and My #QuranTime official Facebook, Sinar Harian, Karya Bestari and Ideaktiv from noon to 1pm.

In this new season, the programme organised by Warisan Ummah Ikhlas Foundation (WUIF) has given 100 people the chance to participate in the live broadcast at a temporary studio at Kumpulan Karangkraf Sdn Bhd.

WUIF's chief research officer Fazrul Ismail said those who participated individually and in groups were delighted to join MQT 2.0 as it gave them the opportunity to learn face to face with the "pentadabbur" and qari (Quran reciter).

My #QuranTime 2.0 focused on reciting the Quran with tartil (recitation in proper order and with no haste), tajwid (rules on Quranic pronounciation), tadabbur (contemplating) and memorisation.

This was expected to build personal character and mental framework in line with the Quran and Sunnah.

As of Jan 16, a number of 34 episodes were broadcasted.

"Alhamdulillah, so far the MQT filming has gone smoothly and for the next session, we aim to receive questions by the audience. In the initial stage, we utilised the tadabbur method and the audiences to read and memorise.

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"We encourage more organisations, mosques and suraus to send their groups to participate. There are participants who came to the studio in groups such as Rumah Ngaji Perak, Kedah and Johor, with high spirits to embrace the Quran.

"Hopefully, in the future, MQT 2.0 will be broadcasted on several television stations. Simultaneously, friends and children can help viewers by following My #QuranTime official digital platforms," he said.

He also praised a group of motorcyclists’ initiative participating in MQT recently, filling their day with programmes surrounding the Quran.

Groups with different hobbies could also benefit from this programme, he added.

My #QuranTime 2.0
My #QuranTime 2.0

"Everyone is welcome to grab this opportunity to improve, even just a little on their Quran recital and memorisation. What is important is that we understand Allah’s message to live according to His guidance. We should not ignore the guidance we seek every day.”

When asked about the huge task as MQT administrator, Fazrul said he took care of his own health by getting enough rest and nutrition.

"Alhamdulillah, in fact, the more we recite the Quran, the more it brings syifa' (cure and remedy).

"Quran brings life to the heart and with it, we become more understanding of Allah's words and become more high spirited," he said.

Those who would like to watch the 2,111 episodes of My #QuranTime live or the recording could do so at

To become an audience of My #QuranTime at Karangkraf Studio, Karangkraf Media Group, Seksyen 15, here, register at

For group registration, visit

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