Don't give out PrEP medicine to homosexual couples - The Selangor Mufti Department

19 Jan 2023 10:04pm
Di Sebalik Isu bersama FY program entitled ‘PrEP Buat Komuniti Songsang Lega @ Bencana?’ broadcasted on Dec 16
Di Sebalik Isu bersama FY program entitled ‘PrEP Buat Komuniti Songsang Lega @ Bencana?’ broadcasted on Dec 16

SHAH ALAM - The Selangor Mufti Department prohibits the administration of PrEP (Pre-Exposure prophylaxis) medication used to prevent HIV infection in homosexual couples.

It said the consumption and distribution of the medication is only required for married couples.

"That is in a situation where one of them has been infected with HIV while having sex.

"Giving the medicine to people who practice homosexual lifestyles is prohibited as it is considered helping others in something that is known to be a sin and it also can be seen as going against the religion," the department said through a question and answer segment on its portal today.

The topic on PrEP medication being given to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT) community was recently discussed on a programme entitled ‘PrEP Buat Komuniti Songsang Lega atau Bencana?’ which was part of the 'Di Sebalik Isu bersama FY' programme broadcasted by Sinar Harian.

The hot topic was discussed among four panelists, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Deputy Dean of the Quranic and Sunnah Studies Associate Professor Dr Ahmad Sanusi Azmi, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM), Professor and Consultant Family Medicine Specialist Professor Dr Anis Safura Ramli, Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF) Chairman Professor Datuk Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman and Universiti Islam Antarabangsa, Gender Dysphoria Flagship Leader, Professor Dr Samsul Draman, with Finaz Yunus as the moderator.

Previously, Ahmad Sanusi had reportedly said that giving free PrEP medication to the LGBT community would distance the community from Islamic teachings.

He explained that the initiative followed the western way and it is not certain how effective it will be.

At the same time, Finaz through her Instagram post also expressed hope that more State Mufti Departments would come forward to provide to guide Malaysians regarding the matter.

She said this was an early victory for all parties who stood up to oppose the initiative that would further damage the morale of the nation.

"Thank you @jabatanmuftinegeriselangor for this guide. It feels worthwhile to read and go through some hardship when dealing with this difficult topic in the programme

"I was elated when I read the Mufti of Selangor views. Although I know there will some who reject these views, we leave all our strengths and efforts to Allah," she shared.

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