Love scams: Disconnect immediately when they ask for money, say experts

22 Jan 2023 03:51pm
One of the technologies people can use to track love scam crime is through SemakMULE website.
One of the technologies people can use to track love scam crime is through SemakMULE website.
SHAH ALAM - Experts have advised social media users not to entertain strangers on the internet to avoid being victims of love scams.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) cybersecurity expert Dr Masnizah Mohd said social media users should not trust individuals they do not know so easily.

Masnizah also said when there is money transaction involved, social media users should check with relevant authorities or agencies on the transaction and they must not trust an offer that is too good to be true.

“Let your friends and family know about the people you know through social media and you need to have some suspicion towards people you know on the internet.

“Please be aware and alert of the latest news, issues, current crimes and technologies about the love scam crime. You must pay attention to technologies that track or check on love scams," she adviced.

Masnizah shared that one of the technologies that people can use to track the love scam crime is the SemakMULE website.

Malaysian Cyber Consumer Association (MCCA) chairman Datuk Ahmad Noordin Ismail said social media users must not reply to strangers’ messages or not pick up calls from unregistered numbers.

Noordin said social media users can still make friends on social media but when the other party starts to ask for money, they must be cut off immediately.

“Love scammers only want your money. They will talk nicely to you then they will ask money with an excuse that they are in difficulties or to send you a package.
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“They will ask you to settle the payment at customs, and then someone on their side will pretend to be customs asking you for the fees for the package, that’s usually how it starts," Nordin said.

He further advised social media users not to give strangers personal details such as MyKard numbers, bank account numbers and addresses.

“Just give fake ones, like your IC number, you can change one number so that it does not reveal the real number.
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