10 political secretaries to Ministers take oath, commence duties

27 Jan 2023 04:45pm
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KUALA LUMPUR - A total of 10 political secretaries to Cabinet ministers took their oaths of secrecy today.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim shared in a Facebook post that the ceremony was held in Putrajaya this morning.

Anwar, who witnessed the ceremony, said it was led by Muhammad Kamil Abdul Munim, who has been appointed political secretary to the Finance Minister.

Also taking their oaths as political secretaries were Datuk Hamzah Brahim (to Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister), Yuhaizad Abdullah (to Agriculture and Food Security Minister), Datuk Ton Zalani Mat Darus (to Defence Minister), Datuk Rizam Ismail (to International Trade and Industry Minister),

Datuk Suraya Yaacob (to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department - Law and Institutional Reform), Akmal Zharif Ahmad Kamal (to Foreign Minister), Dr Stephen Anak William (to Unity Minister), Arul Kumar Jambunathan (to Transport Minister) and Yap Yee Vonne (to Youth and Sports Minister).

"May they carry out the duties vested in them sincerely and with total integrity,” said Anwar.

The ceremony was also attended by Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali. - BERNAMA

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