The government should focus on issues affecting the people

10 Feb 2023 06:26pm
The government needs to focus on the cost of living, the increase in the price of goods and job opportunities - Illustrative photo
The government needs to focus on the cost of living, the increase in the price of goods and job opportunities - Illustrative photo

SHAH ALAM - The government is urged to not interfere with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation of cases by making its own assumptions about the amount of money allegedly embezzled.

Political observer and analysts Mohamad Shafiq Abdul Halim said the government needs to fully hand over any investigations to trained MACC officers.

"Let's not play riddles and make assumption about MACC's investigations. First it was a RM600 billion bribe here then it was reduced to RM92.5 billion there and then its RM5 billion and now its come down to RM300 million.

"People don't want to hear these assumptions and riddles, so let's just let MACC conduct the investigation," he said in a statement today.

He also insisted that matters related to the people's issues should be prioritised as promised in the 15th General Election (GE15) manifesto.

He added that the people were evaluating the government's performance in terms of governance and policies formulated for the people's benefit.

"Matters involving the cost of living, the increase in the price of goods and job opportunities were promised to be focused on during the GE15 campaign.

"Newly apppointed ministers need to give their full attention to the ministries under their administration and reduce political play "Various problems that can not be solved will surely rise and the people will continue to suffer if they don't focus on their work," he said

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