Anwar assures not to interfere in Zahid's corruption case

21 Feb 2023 01:56pm
Anwar at Parliament  - Bernama photo
Anwar at Parliament - Bernama photo

KUALA LUMPUR - Prime Minister Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim has assured he will not interfere with the Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's corruption trial.

The Tambun MP said he will not interfere in the trial process even though there were some perceptions that he would do so.

"I can guarantee it (Zahid's appointment) does not affect the principles and policies including the Malaysia Madani concept I am fighting for," he said during the minister's question time at the Dewan Rakyat, today.

He said this in response to an additional question from Ahmad Fadhli Shaari (PN-Pasir Mas) who voiced concerns that the appointment of a top administrative member involved in a criminal breach of trust case would influence the court's decision.

Zahid, 69, is facing 47 charges, including 12 for criminal breach of trust (CBT), eight for corruption and 27 for money laundering involving RM31 million of YAB funds. For the 12 CBT charges, Zahid is alleged to have used the funds to make payments for personal credit cards, insurance policies and licences for his personal vehicles, remittances to a law firm and contributions to the police football association.

The charge carries a maximum of 20 years' jail, whipping and a fine.

The Umno president used the funds to make six payments for personal credit cards, insurance policies and private vehicle licenses, remittances to a law firm and donations to the police football association.

Anwar stated an individual cannot be punished before a judgment is made.

"This was said by Marang yang berhormat (YB) Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang in his statement (on this matter) previously.

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"Even today, there was a YB who was charged. Does he have to resign from all his positions in the party? The obvious answer is no. That is my position in this case," he said.

Anwar said even though some were against the Bagan Datuk MP's appointment, Zahid had performed his duties well which complied to the government's principles and policies.

"There was a case brought to him (involving companies under him) proposing immediate actions without a tender.

"He has written to obey the instructions of the prime minister and the Cabinet. Everything must follow the tender process. This is the first time I am mentioning it (in Parliament). I didn't inform him," he added.

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