Camping site planning guidelines to be finalised in April
22 Feb 2023 09:22pm

picture for illustrative purposes - FILE PIC
Its minister, Nga Kor Ming, said the guidelines made following the landslide incident in Batang Kali last year took into account the views and feedback of various relevant agencies including local authorities (PBT) and campsite operators.
"The GPP focuses on basic camping activities, which is camping that uses tents set up in a natural area with minimal basic facilities as well as equipment and food that participants need to bring themselves.
"Among the important aspects related to the planning and control of the suitability of the camping site outlined is the safety of the site by determining the appropriate distance from prohibited and environmentally sensitive areas, the topographical conditions and the appropriate degree of gradient and the structural strength of the soil," he said when winding up the debate on the motion of thanks for the royal address on KPKT at Dewan Rakyat today.
Nga said the draft GPP also touched on aspects related to legal compliance under the jurisdiction of local authorities and related agencies such as the approval of temporary building permits, business licences, signage and advertising permits as well as permits to carry out outdoor or extreme activities.
In the meantime, Nga said KPKT through the Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) will continue to study and evaluate the safety aspects of firefighters while performing their duties in order to avoid any untoward incidents.
He said the ministry takes seriously the aspect of firefighter safety while carrying out their duties, whether it is harassment or physical attack by any party that can cause injury.
"In 2018, the ministry through JBPM has amended and streamlined Section 51 of the Fire Service Act 1988 (Act 341) related to interfering with fire officers in the performance of their duties with the fine being increased from not exceeding RM5,000 to not exceeding RM50,000 while the prison sentence has been increased from a period not exceeding three years to not exceeding five years, if convicted," he said.
He replying to the call of Dr Siti Mastura Muhammad's (PN-Kepala Batas) to increase the number of firefighters and strengthen the existing act to protect firefighters on duty when debating on the motion of thanks for the royal address - BERNAMA
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