JHEAT detain 11 men for skipping Friday prayers

17 Mar 2023 10:57pm
JHEAT detaining 11 men after they were caught skipping Friday prayers. - Photo by JHEAT
JHEAT detaining 11 men after they were caught skipping Friday prayers. - Photo by JHEAT

KUALA TERENGGANU - Terengganu Religious Affairs Department (JHEAT) today detained 11 men after they were found skipping Friday prayers in an operation around town on Friday.

JHEAT Enforcement Division Chief Assistant Commissioner Khairul Azizi Idris said all the Muslim men between the ages 20 and 50 were arrested around 2.10pm.

He said they were tracked gathering and talking amongst themselves until Friday prayers ended.

“When arrested they gave the reasoning that they had just returned from the mosque.

“However this was not true as one of the woman enforcement officer has been surveying the location since 1.15pm and the arrests were made before Friday prayers concluded,” he said.

Azizi said the 11 individuals involved were placed under Section 16 of the Terengganu Sharia Criminal Offences (Takzir) Enactment 2001 (amended 2016) for not performing Friday prayers.

The offence carries a maximum fines of RM3,000 or an offender can be jailed for no more than two years or both if found guilty.

“They were brought to the Kuala Terengganu District Religious Office for further action before being released on surety bond to attend court,” he said.

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He said Ops Ponteng Solat Jumaat was implemented involving several male and and women officers from Kuala Terengganu, Hulu Terengganu, Marang and Kuala Nerus.

Azizi advised Muslim men not to leave their duty for Friday prayers as it was an obligation for each Muslim not suffering any disabilities.

“Following the takzir criminal offence any mukallaf (able bodied) men not performing their Friday prayers in mosques unless with an exception is permitted by Syariah law to be punished as an offence.

“We will always monitor and perform frequent enforcement to ensure the Muslims in the state are not careless towards performing their worship,” he said.

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