Do surveys, field studies to woo Chinese, Indians into army, says expert

30 Mar 2023 09:14am
Defence analyst Muhammad Fuad Mat Noor.
Defence analyst Muhammad Fuad Mat Noor.

SHAH ALAM - The government has been urged to carry out a research among higher education and schools to identify reasons for decline in Chinese and Indians joining the army.

Defence analyst Muhammad Fuad Mat Noor said the research could identify interests of Chinese and Indian youths and look at ways to woo them to join the army.

“We must have statistics, information, demographic data to identify their interest whether in technology or engineering,” he told Sinar.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan on Sunday said hard labour and low pay were among factors identified for Chinese and Indians not to join the army.

Mohamad, commonly known as Tok Mat said currently there are less than three per cent of non-Bumiputeras in the army due to lack of interest.

“Perhaps it may be possible to attract them to participate in electronic or shipment.

“We don’t know what the tendencies of non-Bumiputeras are which is why it’s important to study and identify which direction and tendencies they want to take part in the army,” he said.

Fuad further said the army is open to all parties to protect the nation’s sovereignty.

“It is the responsibility of all. However, we cannot force it is voluntary and related to the spirit of patriotism,” he said.

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