The Palestinian Diaries: Palestinian hunger strikers


31 Mar 2023 08:55pm

For years, Palestinian prisoners have gone on hunger strikes, using their bodies as weapons for freedom.

They would refuse to eat for days as the last resort to gain their rights.

The prisoners’ personal experiences under Israel’s military occupation needed to be heard by the public to raise awareness of their plight.

In this episode of The Palestinian Diaries podcast, our guests, author and social activist Puan Sri Norma Hashim and Palestinian author Yousef M Aljamal convey the accounts by former Palestinian prisoners of Israel who have launched hunger strikes in protest of their administrative detention without charge or trial.

Norma is the author of “The Prisoners Diaries” (2013), “Dreaming of Freedom - Palestinian Child Prisoners Speak” (2016) and “A Shared Struggle” (2021), which are moving series of first-person commentaries on what Palestinian prisoners have been enduring for decades in the dark recesses of Israeli’s unlawful and inhuman network of prisons.

The books came to the light with the help of Yousef who translated the stories dictated in Arabic to English.

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