MNCF receive report on sexual harassment of woman cyclist, coach suspended

31 Mar 2023 09:38pm
MNCF president Datuk Abu Samah Wahab has confirmed reports of sexual harassment of a female athlete under the national mountain bike training camp. The coach has been immediately suspended.
MNCF president Datuk Abu Samah Wahab has confirmed reports of sexual harassment of a female athlete under the national mountain bike training camp. The coach has been immediately suspended.

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian National Cycling Federation president Datuk Abu Samah Abd Wahab has confirmed receiving a report regarding the alleged sexual harassment of a national woman cyclist.

The woman, in her 20s, had lodged a police report yesterday, against her coach over alleged sexual harassment during training.

Abu Samah said that following the police report, MNCF had taken immediate action by suspending the coach to assist in the investigation.

"I confirm that a report has been lodged by a woman cyclist who claimed to have experienced sexual harassment from her coach while training with the team.

"We will let the police conduct further investigations and, at the same time, have suspended the coach to allow the MNCF disciplinary committee to obtain information related to the incident,” he said when contacted by Bernama, adding that he was shocked to learn about the incident.

"The last time cycling was implicated with sexual harassment was back in 1989 and, after that, we always remind our coaches and cyclists to beware of their boundaries.

"MNCF will always monitor this matter and will also extend assistance to the cyclist involved to help her avoid suffering trauma due to the sexual harassment,” he said.

Meanwhile, MNCF vice-president Datuk Amarjit Singh Gill said the national governing body will not compromise on the safety and welfare of national cyclists as well as any form of sexual harassment or other behaviours prohibited under the Safe Sports Code.

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"If the allegations are true, actions that can be taken include licence suspension, termination of the service contract and/or cancellation of appointment to the national team,” he said. - BERNAMA

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