The Palestinian Diaries: Palestinian Prisoners' Day

18 Apr 2023 09:41am

April 17 marks Palestinian Prisoner's Day, a national tribute to honour the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons under Israeli occupation.

The Palestinian Prisoner's Day was established to highlight the plight of the Palestinian political prisoners as well detainees in Israeli’s unlawful and inhuman network of prisons and to support the prisoners’ legitimate right to freedom.

It has been reported that as of early this month, Israel arrested around 2,200 Palestinians.

To raise awareness on the prisoners’ plight, their personal experiences under Israel’s military occupation needed to be heard by the public.

Tune in to our podcast as our guests author and social activist Puan Sri Norma Hashim and Al-Quds Foundation Malaysia chief executive officer Dr Sharif Abu Shammala speak about the accounts by former Palestinian prisoners of Israel.

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