Hosting Raya Open House in Pas-led states is a good move, experts say

21 Apr 2023 04:41pm
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

SHAH ALAM - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s move to host Hari Raya celebrations in Pas lead states is seen as a strategy to woo fence sitter voters for the upcoming state election, say political analysts.

Senior Fellow of the National Council of Professors Dr Jeniri Amir said hosting the Hari Raya celebration in Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu is a good strategy.

"There are two prong strategy, first, is to celebrate Hari Raya in these three states and another one is of course to meet the people.

"You don't know which side of people will come to the Open House, it can be from Pas or Perikatan Nasioanal (PN).

"One thing for sure, its a good strategy to establish reputation of people and to get close with the grassroot," he said to Sinar Daily.

He also said there might be a 'hidden political agenda' by choosing Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu for Raya Open House.

"This is not a desperate move, it is also not necessary to do open house in Putrajaya, people from other states especially outside KL can have an opportunity to meet the the prime minister and celebrate raya together," he said.

Meanwhile, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Social Sciences Political Sociology lecturer Professor Dr Sivamurugan Pandian said its more to woo fence sitters.

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"It is a good strategy indeed to show that prime minister is willing to put aside political differences during Syawal.

"It is also a tactical move rather to show Pas especially that prime minister is moving towards a more civilised manner to address opposition supporters concern and also to see if can pacify others who seem to be neutral or willing to work with Unity Government," he said.

Sivamurugan also said that the Hari Raya Open House is to show unity is beyond ideological projection.

Commenting further, Singapore Institute of International Affairs senior fellow Dr Oh Ei Sun echoed the view of 'good strategy' and move by the prime minister.

"The prospect of winning over the Pas supporters is pretty grim, but you have to put up at least a facade of trying.

"It is a perfunctory move, and it is better than nothing at all," he said.

There is no open house in conjunction with 2023 Aidilfitri celebration at the prime minister's official residence in Seri Perdana Complex, Putrajaya.

For the first time, the Malaysia Madani Open House Ceremony with prime minister is being held in Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.

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