Cabinet committee set up to tackle sugar supply shortage

12 May 2023 08:06pm
picture for illustrative purposes - FILEPIX
picture for illustrative purposes - FILEPIX

KUALA TERENGGANU - Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub has announced the formation of a Cabinet committee to address the issue of sugar supply shortage and keep the commodity prices stable.

He said the establishment of the committee was agreed to at the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

According to him, the committee involved three other ministries, namely the Ministry of Finance; the Ministry Investment, Trade and Industry; and the Ministry of Economy.

"Although the shortage of sugar supply only affects Kelantan and Terengganu, I believe that a Cabinet committee should be formed to develop long-term solutions to this issue.

"Meetings at the officer level have already started and the committee will have one month to submit a proposal to the Cabinet,” he told a press conference here today.

Salahuddin said the committee would also hold engagement sessions with various stakeholders including local sugar manufacturers, namely MSM Malaysia and Central Sugars Refinery Sdn Bhd (CSR) to get input and views on the matter.

He said that this was important to ensure that the plan drawn up was comprehensive while also assisting the government in dealing with the issue of supply disruptions and sugar price volatility more effectively.

"With a comprehensive plan and the steps that will be taken later, I am confident that the issue of supply disruption and sugar price stability will be dealt with well,” he said.

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Previously, the media reported that the shortage in sugar supply in Kelantan and Terengganu, which was caused by the temporary closure of the MSM Malaysia Holdings Bhd sugar mills in Johor and Perai, Penang, had been restored.

Salahuddin was reported as saying that the factories which were closed for Hari Raya Aidilfitri resumed operations on April 25 - BERNAMA

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