Opposition voices should be heard too, says Mas Ermieyati

16 May 2023 01:08pm
Opposition voices should be heard too, says Mas Ermieyati
Opposition voices should be heard too, says Mas Ermieyati

SHAH ALAM - The opposition's voices should be heard too, as this would create a balance in the motions and mechanisms of the reform process in efforts to fight corruption in Malaysia.

All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia (APPGM) on Integrity, Governance and Anti-Corruption vice chairman Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin said that the presence of the opposition can't be taken lightly because it also carries the voice of the rakyat that must be carried and defended.

"This is the commitment of members of parliament who have been chosen by the people and with the establishment of this group, it could serve as a reference and guide for our efforts together.

"With input from all parties, we can get good results. Freedom is ensuring the political climate in our country is better," Mas, who is also the Masjid Tanah MP, said during the press conference of the APPGM held at the Karangkraf Complex here on Tuesday.

She further added that APPGM aims to focus on the implementation of institutional reforms, including the independence of judicial institutions, the amendment of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), and the separation of the role of the Attorney General from the role of the Public Prosecutor.

The establishment of APPGM was approved by Dewan Rakyat on April 3, with the aim of enacting, improving, and empowering policies related to anti-corruption and national governance to ensure transparency and accountability and prevent abuse of power through a collective combination of parliamentarians, senators, civil society, and experts in related fields.

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