Decision on applications for digital industry grants expected in July

16 May 2023 02:50pm
Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil speaking at the Communications and Digital Ministry (KKD) 2022 Excellent Service Award Ceremony (APC) today. - BERNAMA
Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil speaking at the Communications and Digital Ministry (KKD) 2022 Excellent Service Award Ceremony (APC) today. - BERNAMA

PUTRAJAYA - The outcome of applications for the digital industry’s main grants issued by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) is expected to be announced in July this year, said Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil.

He said in a statement today that the Digital Content Grant (DCG), Malaysia Digital X-Port Grant (MDXG) and Malaysia Digital Catalyst Grant (MDCG) had received an encouraging response since applications were opened last May 2.

This was evident from the presence of almost 1,000 digital industry practitioners at an online briefing session on May 9, where more than 300 questions and information on the eligibility criteria for applications were presented, he said.

Fahmi said selected applicants needed to attend a presentation session in June and the results of applications were expected to be announced in July, subject to the number of applications received.

"I urge more practitioners in the local creative industry to apply for the grants available to seize the opportunity to remain competitive in the local market and penetrate the global market,” he said.

The closing date for applications is June 1 and more information is available at

DCG focuses on the development of the creative digital industry, with the provision of four types of grants, namely the mini project grant, development grant, production grant, and marketing and commercialisation grant.

These four grants, worth between RM150,000 and RM2 million, are for companies, industries, sole proprietorships or limited liability partnerships involved in four areas of digital content, namely animation, digital games, digital comic and creative technology.

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MDXG is specially for local companies which have proven their readiness to export high-value, innovative and sustainable technological products, activities or services to the global market, with a maximum project period of one year.

MDCG offers assistance to technology companies to catalyse the adoption and development of sustainable and innovative solutions in line with sectors promoted by Malaysia Digital (MD) based on 4IR technology with a maximum project period of one year. - BERNAMA

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