China's NPC chairman visit tourist sites in Melaka

20 May 2023 12:20pm
Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh (right, second) receiving a courtesy call from Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th Chinese National People's Congress (NPC) Zhao Leji at a hotel. - BERNAMA
Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh (right, second) receiving a courtesy call from Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th Chinese National People's Congress (NPC) Zhao Leji at a hotel. - BERNAMA

MELAKA - China’s 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee chairman Zhao Leji today spent about two hours visiting several tourist attractions in Melaka, including the famous Jonker Street.

Zhao, who was accompanied by, among others, Kelebang state assemblyman Datuk Lim Ban Hong and Jonker Street Committee chairman Datuk Gan Tian Loo, toured several areas around Jonker Street.

Among the locations he visited were Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong Memorial Site, Jonker Walk World Heritage Park and Cheng Ho Museum.

Zhao’s delegation was greeted with traditional music presentations by cultural association members and a lion dance performance along the road and on the main stage of Jonker Walk.

Zhao received a unique souvenir from Gan, a bottle filled with sand from Melaka Straits and water from the Hang Li Po Well in Bukit Cina.

The presence of Zhao’s delegation attracted the attention of some tourists, including those from China.

Zhao then visited the Baba and Nyonya Arts Museum before proceeding to Masjid Selat.

At Masjid Selat, Zhao spent about 15 minutes listening to a briefing by Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh on the uniqueness of Melaka Straits, which has been a trade route for thousands of years. - BERNAMA

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