Drought: Brothers make good money with air conditioning installation, repair work

20 May 2023 03:58pm
Mohd Subadron Shafie, 31, installing an air conditioner at a private company following the drought that is currently hitting the country. - BERNAMA
Mohd Subadron Shafie, 31, installing an air conditioner at a private company following the drought that is currently hitting the country. - BERNAMA

TANAH MERAH - The dry hot weather has presented an opportunity for three brothers who are running an air conditioning installation and repair business to make good money.

Mohd Subadron Shafie, 31, who ventured into the business in 2014 said there was a surge in demand for their services for several months now due to the sweltering heat.

"However, my job becomes easy and smooth with the help of my younger brothers, Mohd Syafiq, 28 and Shahrul, 22, allowing me to meet the needs of customers for their homes or offices," he told Bernama, here today.

According to him, their daily income has increased by an average of RM200 to RM300 a day compared to what they managed to make before which was less than RM200 a day.

Elaborating, Mohd Subadron said they would charge customers in Tanah Merah, Pasir Mas, Machang and Jeli RM150 to install or repair their air conditioning system which allows them to bring home more than RM1,000 a week.

He said due to the high demand they were fully booked, forcing them to continue their work at night.

Relating his background, Mohd Subadron said after graduating from Giat Mara in an air conditioning course he worked with several companies to gain experience before deciding to venture on his own.

Besides air conditioning services, the brothers also offer electrical wiring repair and installation services. - BERNAMA

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