The Palestinian Diaries: Silencing the 'voices of Palestine'

29 May 2023 12:00pm

In war, the first casualty is the truth.

For the Israelis, a camera and a pen were considered weapons as it could deliver the truth of what they were doing to the Palestinians and they were afraid that the whole world would see it.

Over 22 years, Israeli soldiers have killed around 20 journalists who documented and reported news on the military raiding Palestinian homes, shooting people on the streets and arresting children.

There were those who were killed while among others trying to film what was happening on the ground as it is and those who happened to be there during an incident and were caught.

How has this affected media freedom in Palestine? Has Israel been held accountable for their act?.

Tune is to The Palestinian Diaries podcast as our guests author and activist Puan Sri Norma Hashim and Asia Middle East Centre for Research and Dialogue Palestine Studies Circle coordinator Muath Seyam talk about how Israel had tried to silence the many voices of the Palestinians.

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