Stop being angry and bitter just because we lost GE15 - Tok Mat

07 Jun 2023 10:32pm
Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan
Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan

KUALA LUMPUR - Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan has called for disgruntled party members to banish their anger which was born of the party’s thwarted bid for power in last year’s 15th General Election (GE15).

The clarion call was aired by him in his keynote address as he officiated party’s Youth, Wanita and Puteri wings general meeting which will take place tomorrow morning at the party headquarters at Kuala Lumpur World Trade Centre.

"In the end, what benefit does all the anger, hatred, and differences bring to our nation and party?

"Do not destroy Umno with anger and simmering grudges just because our personal ambitions have been foiled,” reasoned the Rembau MP.

He stressed that all sarcastic remarks in which has been making rounds in the media should be stopped immediately.

"This act is no different than splashing water onto one's own face.

"If there are criticisms, even if they are valid, channel them through internal medium. Let us resolve party issues within the party.

"Why do we want to continue tarnishing Umno, especially after the severe punishment we received in the past two general elections?” Mohamad rhetorically asked.

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In last year's GE15, on November 19, Umno suffered its worst defeat at the national poll, winning only 26 parliamentary seats compared to the 54 that it won in GE14.