Investigation into Kedah MB not politically motivated - Saifuddin

10 Jun 2023 02:34pm
Saifuddin Nasution and Muhammad Sanusi. - FILE PIC
Saifuddin Nasution and Muhammad Sanusi. - FILE PIC

POKOK SENA - Home Ministry have denied claims that investigations into Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor on the Penang-Kedah land ownership issue was politically motivated.

Its minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the investigation had nothing to do with political grudges or such.

He said the probe was carried out based on professional principles thus let the police carry out investigation.

"When there is no action taken against a statement believed to cause anxiety to the public, the government may be seen as having no fangs, has no courage to take action while the people are anxious.

"Issues that had been resolved were also mentioned again. But when the police act on it, some parties accused them of taking action because of politics," he told reporters in a press conference after visiting the project site at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Jabi together with Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek here today.

Saifuddin said parties should not make any assumptions but instead wait until the investigation process had proceed to the next stage.

However, he said some parties were already throwing allegations before investigations were completed.

"A statement will have its consequences thus why an investigation paper was opened to investigate the Kedah Menteri Besar.

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“Let the police take action professionally. There is no need to argue about it. Give cooperation," he said.

He said once the investigation paper was completed, it will be referred to the Attorney-General (AG) Chambers.

"If the AG ays yes (to the results of the investigation) then it is considered sufficient to proceed with prosecution. If it's not sufficient then the AG will send it back to the police.

“Give the police a chance to do their job first. There is no need to comment the investigation is for political motives since the matter did not arise," he said.

He said the police had started investigating following a statement made by Sanusi who claimed Penang belongs to Kedah, which included claims of demanding the Federal Constitution to be amended.

However, Sanusi denied ever mentioning amendments to the Federal Constitution to support his claims that Penang belongs to Kedah.

"Stick to one statement only. Whether he did say hat or not, let the police investigate. No matter which Act was used to conduct the investigation, I believe my friend that I had known for a long time and fought together before, will cooperate in the investigation," he said.

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