Can't force DAP to apologise but will create friction especially among grassroots - Dr Akmal

10 Jun 2023 05:45pm
Umno Youth Chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Salleh. Photo by Asril Aswandi Shukor.
Umno Youth Chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Salleh. Photo by Asril Aswandi Shukor.

KUALA LUMPUR - Cannot force DAP to apologise if they refuse but this will create friction among Umno members especially those from the grassroots during the upcoming state elections, says Umno Youth Chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Salleh.

He said many were questioning as to how Umno and DAP could be friends as the latter had made anti-Malay and anti-Islam remarks in the past.

"We are going to face state election soon, so I guess this is the fastest way to reduce temperatures in the Umno grassroots level," he said in a press conference at Media Centre in World Trade Centre today during the 2023 Umno General Assembly.

However, Dr Akmal said Umno Youth has good and strong relationship with the Unity Government’s youth wings and holds no grudges with them.

“Umno Youth is demanding DAP to apologise but it does not mean our relationship with Pakatan Harapan (PH) or others in the coalition is not good.

"In fact, I texted DAP Youth Chief Dr Kelvin Yii and we will be meeting soon to discuss on how to work together with PH and Barisan Nasional (BN) youth movements for the upcoming state election.

“There is no issue but Umno Youth is always firm that we bring the voice of the grassroots," he stressed.

Dr Akmal, on the second day of the 2023 Umno General Assembly, had demanded DAP to show proof that the party will not repeat any of its anti-Malay and anti-Islam remarks.

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He also asked the predominantly Chinese party to apologise for its previous incendiary remarks against the Malay party.

He believed such apology was needed as most Umno members were still concerned and worried about the ongoing political cooperation between BN and PH.

However, party President Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi took a different stand, arguing that he did not see the need for DAP to apologise.

Last year, the 15th General Election (GE15) on Nov 19 saw Umno suffering its worst defeat in history, winning only 26 parliamentary seats compared to the 54 that it won in GE14.

Despite the loss, Umno ultimately managed to form government with Pakatan Harapan as GE15 ended in a hung parliament where not a single party had enough numbers to form a government on their own.

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