Flip-flopping subsidy policy sparks heated debate in Parliament

13 Jun 2023 01:33pm
Anwar when speaking during the Minister's Question Time session in the Dewan Rakyat session on Tuesday. - Photo by Malaysian Information Department
Anwar when speaking during the Minister's Question Time session in the Dewan Rakyat session on Tuesday. - Photo by Malaysian Information Department

SHAH ALAM – The parliament session became heated as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim addressed the previous government's decision to raise average electricity bills during the Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration.

The issue was raised when Datuk Zulkafperi Hanapi (PN-Tanjung Karang) asked about the flip-flopping subsidy policy for chicken and eggs, which had been rescinded after initially being announced.

Anwar clarified that the policy was an old decision that had expired on June 10.

"This is not a flip-flop, but rather an old decision announced through the proper process. However, when I learned that it would burden the people, with Aidiladha approaching, I decided to help the people," he responded.

"I am willing to 'flip-flop' if it means aiding the people. Why not 'flip-flop' to alleviate their burden? If you don't want to 'flip-flop,' then let's discuss the previous cabinet's decision under the PN government to increase electricity rates for everyone. Well, I made a change as Prime Minister Tambun, and this change doesn't burden the people or increase electricity rates," Anwar added during the Minister's Question Time session in the Dewan Rakyat earlier today.

Anwar's statement sparked a hostile atmosphere in the Dewan Rakyat, with several opposition MPs intervening and disputing the matter.

"That is incorrect, Yang Berhormat. Many misconceptions are being spoken in this House," said one of the opposition MPs.

Anwar defended his position by referring to previous records.

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"What's wrong? I have records. Kota Bahru, I will bring it up next year, and you can refer to it. There are records regarding electricity. Based on past decisions, Kota Raja mentioned the need to discontinue subsidies in June. Now, Tambun says to continue. What's the problem?" Anwar argued.

Previously, former Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan, announced that the government would introduce new energy tariff rates from 2022 to 2024, starting from February 1, 2022.

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