Saudi Arabia announces June 27 Wukuf Day

19 Jun 2023 03:16pm
The matter was announced by the head of the Malaysian haj delegation, Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman, and was also reported by the local media, including the Saudi Gazette, which quoted the country's Supreme Court statement. - FILE PIX
The matter was announced by the head of the Malaysian haj delegation, Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman, and was also reported by the local media, including the Saudi Gazette, which quoted the country's Supreme Court statement. - FILE PIX

MAKKAH, Saudi - The government of Saudi Arabia has declared that Wukuf Day, also known as the Day of Arafah, the peak of the haj pilgrimage, is on Tuesday, June 27, and Aidiladha will be celebrated the following day, June 28.

The matter was announced by the head of the Malaysian haj delegation, Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman, and was also reported by the local media, including the Saudi Gazette, which quoted the country's Supreme Court statement.

Wukuf is performed by being in the plains of Arafah, starting from Zohor time on the 9th day of Zulhijjah (June 27), until before dawn on the 10th day of Zulhijjah.

All 31,600 Malaysian haj pilgrims will join approximately three million Muslims from around the world, who will set out for Arafah to perform the main haj rites.

Syed Saleh, in a press conference, said that the level of readiness of the tents in Arafah and Mina for the Masyair operation for Malaysian pilgrims has now reached 80 per cent.

He said that with only eight days left to the day of Wukuf, the management at the nine accommodations will hold a briefing session to explain, among other things, the bus movement and facilities in Arafah and Mina, to the pilgrims.

"The pilgrims will also be given numbers and places in the tents soon,” he said.

Syed Saleh said nearly 300 tents in Arafah and Mina are available for Malaysian pilgrims, with several improvements made this year, including tents with PVC walls, electricity supply in Arafah directly from the substation, and all food provided by Malaysian companies.

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In the meantime, Syed Saleh said thus far, 29,212 of the country's 31,600 pilgrims have arrived in Makkah.

On pilgrims' health report, he said that 56 pilgrims are currently at the Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) Health Centre wards, while eight are in Saudi Arabia's health facilities.

However, he said these patients, who suffered from lung infections, heart, digestive system and skin problems, as well as joint pain, were in stable condition. - BERNAMA

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