Negeri Sembilan aims to eradicate hardcore poverty by end of this year

23 Jun 2023 02:53pm
Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Aminuddin Harun - Facebook
Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Aminuddin Harun - Facebook

SEREMBAN - The Negeri Sembilan government aims to eradicate hardcore poverty by the end of the year or earlier, said deputy State Secretary Datuk Muhamad Nahar Mohd Sidek.

The State Economic Planning Unit (Upen) director said that based on the National Poverty Data Bank System (eKasih), the total number of household heads in the state was 3,530 as of Feb 13.

He said that according to e-Kasih data, the number decreased to 2,851 people as of May 31.

"Although the number of hardcore poor household heads in the state recorded a decrease of 679 people over the course of three months, their numbers are still high.

"Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Aminuddin Harun is targeting the state to be hardcore poverty-free earlier that is by the end of this year and for that purpose, the administration of the state government has planned integrated action with state departments and agencies,” he told Bernama.

Among the departments and agencies involved are district offices, the Negeri Sembilan Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAINS), the Negeri Sembilan Islamic Religious Council (Mains), and the Negeri Sembilan Social Welfare Department (JKMNS).

He also said that the State Development Office (PPN) has reactivated its Focus Group role at the state level to eradicate poverty.

In the meantime, Muhamad Nahar said the Hardcore Poverty Eradication (BMT) programme, which began last year, involves strategic cooperation among the federal and state governments, public universities and non-governmental organisations as well as related agencies.

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He said the implementation of the BMT programme in the state began with coordination at the state level by Upen, followed by the matching of participants based on their profile and background by the district offices.

"The list will then be submitted to the Economy Ministry for consideration and approval. An ice-breaking session with the ministry, Upen, district offices, and BMT participants will be held in each locality to explain in more detail the implementation of the BMT programme,” he said.

Muhamad Nahar said an allocation of RM4,760,600 was channelled to the state government via the Negri Sembilan State Development Corporation (PKNNS), a strategic partner in the implementation of the BMT programme.

He said the allocation will then be channelled to district offices for the procurement of equipment according to the scope of the programme that had been approved by the ministry.

"For the implementation of phase one of the BMT programme in the state, there are four selected pilot projects involving 68 hardcore poor household heads. The performance of participants will be evaluated weekly through reports submitted to Upen,” he said.

He added that apart from the programme, the federal government also launched the People's Income Initiative (IPR) in February encompassing three main categories - Services Operator Initiative (Ikhsan), the Agro Entrepreneur Initiative (Intan) and the Food Entrepreneur Initiative (Insan) - which were also implemented in this state.

When tabling the 2023 Budget at Parliament in February, Anwar said the government will implement the People's Income Initiative (IPR), and that a total allocation of RM750 million has been set aside for 2023 to the Economy Ministry to successfully implement the initiative.

The Prime Minister is expected to hold a meeting with all district officers nationwide soon to discuss, among other things, efforts to eradicate hardcore poverty in the country. - BERNAMA

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