Perhatin to construct orphanage facility by next year

23 Jun 2023 10:19pm
The President of Pertubuhan Anak-Anak Yatim/Miskin Bandaraya Shah Alam (PERHATIN), Datuk Salamon Selamat showed the proposed paper for the construction of an orphan/poor dormitory in Shah Alam City.
The President of Pertubuhan Anak-Anak Yatim/Miskin Bandaraya Shah Alam (PERHATIN), Datuk Salamon Selamat showed the proposed paper for the construction of an orphan/poor dormitory in Shah Alam City.

SHAH ALAM - Pertubuhan Anak-Anak Yatim/Miskin Bandaraya Shah Alam (Perhatin)'s plans to build an orphanage and a home for the elderly are currently underway.

Its president, Datuk Salamon Selamat, said the establishment is in the midst of collecting funds for both of these projects, as both sites have recently been approved by the Selangor government.

He added that the dormitory for the orphanage was already in the process of being built.

"Thus far, the money allocated for this initiative is some RM800,000 and will be adequate for the complex's development to begin next year.

Salamon added that the construction of the structure will cost RM3.5 million, with the remainder going towards other equipment such as furniture and first-year expenses.

"We are collaborating with the Selangor Wakaf Corporation and any donations received will be channelled to the account provided by the relevant party.

"This step is taken to demonstrate the transparency in the financial management that contributed to the complex's construction," he stated during a meeting at the lobby Karangkraf on Friday.

He stated that an architectural firm was working on Perhatin's development plan.

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"At any given time, the complex will house 250 orphans, with 150 male students and 100 female students.

"There will be two three-story student dormitory blocks, an administrative and office block, a main dining hall, and a multipurpose learning hall.

"As a result, as an NGO, our mission is to safeguard, preserve, and endeavour to offer pleasant housing and school facilities for orphans and poor children, particularly in Shah Alam," he added.

Perhatin will also be looking at the establishment of a 'Heritage Complex' in Shah Alam's Section 24, which is designated for the elderly, single mothers, and orphans.

Since its inception, Perhatin has been working to raise funds to meet the costs of constructing a dormitory complex for orphans and the impoverished in Shah Alam.

The location of this land is near the new Al-Ehsan Mosque and opposite the 'Elderly Complex'.

Perhatin has been gathering, protecting, and caring for orphans and poor children aged 18 and under in efforts to provide comfortable shelter and care for orphans and impoverished children.

Any donations can be directed to Pertubuhan Anak-anak Yatim/Miskin Shah Alam City, Selangor (Perhatin's) Bank Islam account at 12038010072083.

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