Jakoa resolves 71 documentation registration cases involving Orang Asli in K'tan

26 Jun 2023 09:43pm
GUA MUSANG, June 26 - An Orang Asli of the Temiar tribe Ajah Adik, 48, looking at the identity card she just received from a representative of the National Registration Department (NRD) during an Outreach programme and ‘Kembara Mesra Rakyat’ at Pos Belatim today. - BERNAMA photo (2023) COPYRIGHT RESERVED
GUA MUSANG, June 26 - An Orang Asli of the Temiar tribe Ajah Adik, 48, looking at the identity card she just received from a representative of the National Registration Department (NRD) during an Outreach programme and ‘Kembara Mesra Rakyat’ at Pos Belatim today. - BERNAMA photo (2023) COPYRIGHT RESERVED

GUA MUSANG - The Orang Asli Development Department (Jakoa) has successfully completed 71 documentation registration cases involving the Orang Asli community in Kelantan so far.

Jakoa Kelantan and Terengganu deputy director Roslina Bun said of the total, 53 cases involved new registration of personal identification cards (MyKad), while 18 cases involved late registration of birth certificates.

She said the cases were resolved through several programmes carried out Jakoa such as the Outreach programme and the ‘Kembara Mesra Rakyat’ involving Orang Asli settlements.

"We cooperate with several other agencies such as the National Registration Department (JPN) and the Social Welfare Department (JKM).

"Through these programmes, the JKM also managed to track down a number of Orang Asli asnaf (tithe recipients), in addition to cases of People with Disabilities card applications,” she said when met by reporters at Kampung Bihai Lama here today.

Earlier, Roslina presented clothing contributions to the Orang Asli community in preparation for Aidiladha on Thursday. - BERNAMA

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