Mohd Radzi criticises Twitter user who prayed for Hadi, Tun M’s death

02 Jul 2023 08:57am
A screenshot of Mohd Radzi's Facebook post on Saturday.
A screenshot of Mohd Radzi's Facebook post on Saturday.

SHAH ALAM - Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) vice-president Datuk Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin has criticised a Twitter user who uploaded a post praying for the death of Pas president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang and former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The Putrajaya MP shared a screenshot of the tweet on his Facebook page yesterday.

"A youth shared the post with me. He said ‘Teruk nya PH ni’ (PH is terrible).

“I replied yes, they have no adab,” Radzi said.

Yesterday, a tweet made by the Twitter user who was said to be an assistant to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s political secretary went viral on social media.

However, it was understood that the post had been deleted.

Various parties then came forward to condemn the rude action.

Yesterday, it was reported that Hadi was admitted to the hospital to receive further treatment and monitored by doctors due to his deteriorating health prior to the Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration.

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His son Muhammad Khalil shared the news on his Facebook page on the same day.

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