Perak to discuss with Human Resources Ministry, Home Ministry to expedite hiring of foreign workers in recycled goods sector

02 Jul 2023 05:55pm
Perak Human Resources, Health, Indian Community Affairs and National Integration Committee chairman A. Sivanesan - BERNAMA
Perak Human Resources, Health, Indian Community Affairs and National Integration Committee chairman A. Sivanesan - BERNAMA

IPOH - Discussions will be held between the state government, Human Resources Ministry (KSM) and Home Ministry (KDN) to expedite the process of hiring foreign workers for the scrap and recycled goods sector.

Perak Human Resources, Health, Indian Community Affairs and National Integration Committee chairman A. Sivanesan said it was easier to table the proposal through the state government.

"For the last 10 years the quota for foreign workers in the scrap metal industry had been frozen and businesses had to be downsized," he told a press conference after the Seventh Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Secondhand Goods Dealer Association here today.

He also expressed the hope the state government would allow new and existing scrap goods licence holders to continue their business.

"This is because there have been complaints regarding the cancellation of dealers’ licences since the last 10 years,” he said.

He said the government should allow the dealers to continue their business and take action should they violate the rules instead of terminating their licence.

"To date, about 280 dealers in the state have registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) but they have not been issued a licence by the local authority (PBT) due to the cancellation problem," he added.

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He said the cancellation was following information from the police on the buying of goods stolen by the dealers in 2013 and the police had advised the state government to stop the PBT from issuing the business licences. - BERNAMA

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