Decision to maintain OPR made without pressure from any party - Fahmi

06 Jul 2023 09:14pm
Fahmi - Bernama Pix
Fahmi - Bernama Pix
SEREMBAN - The decision to maintain the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) at 3.0 per cent was made without pressure from the government or any party, said Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil.

He said it was based on several factors including the country’s good economic growth, the inflation rate which shows a declining trend as well as almost full employment rate.

"In addition, the country is also in a highly competitive state, the second best after Singapore in the Southeast Asian region.

"So, when we look at BNM's statement, these are among the factors that made the Monetary Policy Committee maintain the OPR," he told reporters after launching the Negeri Sembilan-level Kita MADANI programme here today.

Earlier, Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting decided to keep the OPR at 3.00 per cent, in line with the global economic development and the inflation rate in Malaysia which shows a declining trend and remains stable. - BERNAMA
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