Manipulating 3R issues will bring more harm than good - Academicians

09 Jul 2023 03:56pm
Image for illustrative purposes only. – FILE PIX
Image for illustrative purposes only. – FILE PIX

KUALA LUMPUR - Manipulating sensitive issues on race, religion, and the royal institution (3R) will only bring more harm than good, according to academicians.

Director of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) (East and Southeast Asia) Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Fauzan Noordin said the 3R issues tend to be played up during election season.

"This matter is seasonal. When there is an election, religious and racial issues will be raised. Let’s ask them back, what are the Malay rights or privileges taken away? And how is Islam challenged or tarnished?

"When these issues arise, we know it is only to play with sentiment, and we will defend our race and religion. So these sensitive issues are very easy to fan because they play with emotions,” he told Bernama.

Mohamad Fauzan also expressed his doubts about the sincerity of those who raised concerns about the 3R issues and their commitment to fighting for it.

"They use these sensitive issues because they have lost their power. When they were in power, did they make an effort to address racial and religious matters? What positive contributions have they made that we can take pride in?” he said.

Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) senior lecturer in politics and international relations, Prof Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani, said there is no problem discussing the 3R issues in relation to the announcement and implementation of government policies that align with the Federal Constitution.

However, he said it would become problematic if certain individuals or groups start using it to criticise others or instil fear in people.

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"Political leaders and netizens often exploit these issues. For example, Christianisation, communism and so on. These issues induce fear in people, who will vote based on that factor. These fear tactics should be avoided,” he said.

Mohd Azizuddin said if these issues are constantly played up, it is feared that it could result in undesired incidents such as racial tension, especially considering Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country.

"Please refrain from exploiting these 3R issues, especially for political gain. And if anyone is found to be using these issues for certain interest, we can make a police report so that action can be taken,” he said.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, at the Temu Anwar Kedah programme at UUM yesterday, reminded all parties not to exploit religious and racial issues that could divide the country. - BERNAMA

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