Great progress made in strengthening cyber security in Malaysia, says National Security DG

10 Jul 2023 12:45pm
Director-General for National Security Raja Datuk Nushirwan Zainal Abidin (right) - BERNAMA
Director-General for National Security Raja Datuk Nushirwan Zainal Abidin (right) - BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia has made significant strides to strengthen its cyber security posture, and the establishment of the National Cyber Security Agency (Nacsa) in 2017 under the National Security Council is testament of the country’s commitment to protect critical infrastructure and combatting cyber threats.

Director-General for National Security Raja Datuk Nushirwan Zainal Abidin said Nacsa serves as the central coordinating body for cyber security efforts, facilitating information sharing, providing guidance, and developing policies to enhance Malaysia's cyber resilience.

He said the journey towards cyber resilience requires a holistic approach that transcends governmental efforts and it necessitates a "quadruple helix” involving the active involvement of governments, industry stakeholders, academia and civil society in a collaborative endeavor to bolster collective cybersecurity capabilities.

"Threats to cyber security can take various forms. There is the dramatic - geopolitical conflicts and tensions may spill over into the fifth dimension, generating cyber-attacks aiming to cripple a nation’s critical infrastructures," he said when delivering his keynote address at The Malaysia Cyber Security Ecosystem Symposium 2023 at Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (Mitec), here today.

The symposium is in conjuntion with The Cyber Defence & Security Exhibition and Conference (Cydes) 2023 that showcases the latest in cyber security technology and innovations encompassing specialist products and solutions from local and foreign companies.

Raja Nushirwan said at the same time, cyber criminals will perpetrate nefarious schemes aimed at causing institutional instability and threats can also emanate from a more prosaic cause, which is our own individual carelessness as we navigate cyberspace.

"At the heart of the cyber security efforts lies the crucial element of awareness which is to foster a culture of cyber security consciousness across all sectors including society and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the digital landscape safely.

"By raising awareness about cyber risks, promoting best practices, and emphasising the importance of cyber hygiene, we empower our citizens to become active participants in fortifying our nation's cyber defenses,” he said.

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He said as Malaysians navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, they must remain committed to upholding fundamental principles and norms in cyberspace.

"By adhering to internationally accepted norms and participating in cyber diplomacy, we can shape the global cybersecurity landscape and contribute to the development of responsible and cooperative cybersecurity frameworks," he said.

Cydes 2023 kicks off today until July 13 with the theme "Building Cyber Resilience: Safeguarding The Digital Future”. There will be 200 exhibitors from 15 countries and 50 prominent individuals (VVIPs) taking part in Cydes 2023. - BERNAMA

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