Customs Dept cripples syndicate selling subsidised diesel in Rawang

10 Jul 2023 07:08pm
Customs deputy director-general (enforcement and compliance) Datuk Sazali Mohamad said that based on intelligence gathering and information from the public, the syndicate was suspected of buying diesel fuel at a subsidised price of RM2.15, which was then resold to industry players at around RM4. - BERNAMA
Customs deputy director-general (enforcement and compliance) Datuk Sazali Mohamad said that based on intelligence gathering and information from the public, the syndicate was suspected of buying diesel fuel at a subsidised price of RM2.15, which was then resold to industry players at around RM4. - BERNAMA

RAWANG - The Royal Malaysian Customs Department (JKDM) have crippled a syndicate believed to be hoarding and reselling subsidised diesel following a raid conducted on a warehouse in Jalan Tukang Besi, Rawang on Wednesday (July 5).

Customs deputy director-general (enforcement and compliance) Datuk Sazali Mohamad said that based on intelligence gathering and information from the public, the syndicate was suspected of buying diesel fuel at a subsidised price of RM2.15, which was then resold to industry players at around RM4.

He said this is because industrial players such as factories have to pay the unsubsidised price of diesel fuel at RM5.

"So, through this syndicate, industry players get diesel at a lower than normal price,” he said at the warehouse in Rawang here today.

According to him, the raid was carried out by an operations team from the JKDM Central Zone Enforcement Division Unit I at 9pm, however, no arrests were made.

"A close inspection of the premises found several loads of diesel tanks, three 30,000-litre skid tanks and three modified lorries.

"There was also oil pump equipment for siphoning subsidised diesel totalling 48,600 litres with an estimated value of RM104,490 involving taxes and duties of RM19,920,” he said.

He said they did not find any documents for the approval of storing controlled goods and further investigations were being carried out to trace the owners or the syndicate for further action.

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"The syndicate used this area as a storage or transit point for the diesel due to its location being far from the public eye and is believed to have begun operating early this year based on our tracking,” he said, adding the actual value of total losses was still under investigation.

Sazali also called on the public to channel any information related to smuggling activities by contacting the Customs Toll-Free Line at 1-800-88-8855 or by heading to the nearest Customs office. - BERNAMA

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